Senin, 02 Juni 2014



            Gunadarma University is a private university in Indonesia. Universtas Gunadarma is one of the best universities in Indonesia. His position is in the top 10 after the UniversityS of Negri and became a major rank among other private university. Gunadarma University was first established on August 7, 1981. Initially named Gunadarma University Computer Science Education Program (PPIK). On 1 July 1985 PPIK changed its name to the School of Information Management & Computer Gunadarma (STMIK Gunadarma). 6 years later, STIMK Gunadarma inaugurated Gunadarma School of Economics (STIE Gunadarma). In 1993 STMIK and STIE Gunadarma open Masters program with a concentration in Information Systems Management and Master of Management STMIK to STIE. Based on the Certificate of Higher Education Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia Number. 92/KEP/SK DEPDIKTIRI/1996 issued by the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia) 1996 PPIK or STMIK & STIE Gunadarma now officially renamed recently become Gunadarma University. Until now 2014 namanya year was not changed again.
            Currently Gunadarma University has 7 faculties . Faculty of Industrial Technology ( Mechanical Engineering , Electrical Engineering & Computer Science ) , Faculty of Civil Engineering , Faculty of Information Technology Doctor , Doctor Faculty of Economic Sciences , Faculty of Engineering, Planning , Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Letters . Lectures at the University Gunadarma held on 14 campuses . Its main campus is located in the D Depok campus . A campus is located in Walnut , campus is located in Salemba bluntas B , C are in salemba campus , campus EGH located in Kelapa Dua , Depok , H2 is in Simatupang campus , the campus is in Kalimalang J , K campus in Kemang Pratama Bekasi , located on the campus j5 cakung , L campus in Cengkareng and M campus is located in Karawaci . In the campus there are facilities provided by the University Gunadarma . Facilities - The facilities include classrooms, libraries , laboratories , seminar rooms , auditoriums , Pusgiwa ( Student Activity Center ) , BPM , meeting rooms , waiting rooms faculty , academic consulting room , cooperatives , workspace management and employees , musholah and mosques , as well as sports field . Lecture Room 167 - Gunadarma University has lecture halls . Gunadarma University also provides a counter BAAK or campus administrative agency in charge of providing information about student activities and space BPLK ( University Dictionary Environmental Management Agency ) to take care of borrowing space / place on campus . For the purposes of teaching and learning lecture hall equipped with a very supportive , which are: OHP , Tape Recorder , Central Speaker Sound System , Computer Projector , Slide Projector and others.
            Various achievements successfully obtained by the students of the University Gunadarma well in education , sports , and the arts . This proves that Gunadarma University students can compete with well-known universities in Indonesia . In the field of Education grant Getting Gunadarma University Student Creativity Program ( PKM ) in the field of Scientific Articles PKM , PKM Research , Entrepreneurship PKM , PKM Application of Technology , and PKM Community Service ( 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 , 2010) . Students qualify for the National Science Week ( PIMNAS ) , PKM program ever to qualify for PIMNAS is PKM PKM Scientific and Community Service ( PIMNAS 2007 at Unila Lampung ) , PKM Application of Technology ( PIMNAS 2008 at the University of Sultan Agung Semarang ) , and PKM Research ( PIMNAS 2010 at the University Mahasaraswati Denpasar ) . Third Place in the selection of Student Achievement ( Mawapres ) 2007 Region III level Kopertis Jakarta . First Winner of Student Writing Competition ( KKTM ) Education level Kopertis Jakartatahun Capital Region III , 2007. Ambassador -level language Jakarta in 2007 . Champion Ganesha III Line Follower Robot Competition ( Galelobot ) 2008 ITB . The first winner of the National Competition Capital Markets ( KNPM ) 2008. Winner of National Competition Capital Markets ( KNPM ) 2009 Jakarta Regional level .
            In the field of sports Gunadarma University won the silver medal at the Taekwondo branch Invitation Cup Taekwondo Championship 2008 YAI . Achieved Gold Medal branch of chess sport on weekends students . 1st Place Individual 7 Series Djarum Super Real Adventure Offroad 2501 Class of 2009 Top All Sukabumi . Winner Rapid Chess Championship Men's Indiv , PON XVII East Kalimantan in 2008 . Singles Crown Champion Table Tennis Championship exhibition - PTMSI in 2008 . Meanwhile, in the field of Arts and Culture University Gunadarma won the Gold Medal folklore category at the 1st Asian Choir Games 2007 . runner FEUI The 3rd National Folklore Festival in 2008 . Winner Choir Competition National Awakening Day Dikmenti , Jakarta in 2007 . Winner of Writing Poetry in the framework of the Regional Student Art Week ( Peksimida Jakarta) in 2010 and represented Jakarta in the Student Art Week National level X ( Peksiminas X ) at the University of Tanjungpura Pontianak . Second Place Short Story Writing in the framework of the Regional Student Art Week ( Peksimida ) Jakarta in 2010 and represented Jakarta in the Student Art Week National level X ( Peksiminas X ) at the University of Tanjungpura Pontianak.

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