Rabu, 23 April 2014


Holiday in Bandung City.

Last holiday, I went to Bandung City with my father, my mother, and my brother. Bandung City for my family is favorite place for holiday. Apart from location for holiday, in Bandung City also famous for shopping and many place for a delicious culinary.
My families holiday in Bandung City for three days. During our holiday in Bandung City, we stayed with my cousin, at the Ciumbuleuit street in Bandung City. They were very nice to my family. His name uncle Jajang, my uncle and her name aunt Evi, my aunt, also three children, Defani, Vidya, and Zalva.
On the first day I and my family went to culinary tour at Dago street. There were a lot of culinary. Ranging from Sunda culinary up to Europe culinary. All culinary very delicious.
On the second day, I and my family went for shopping. Bandung City famous for shopping places. One of the famous for shopping places for shopping. I and my family bought clothes. Such as shirts, pants, jackets, and some accessories.
On the last day, I and my family went for a refreshing to Bandung zoo. At the Bandung zoo, there were many types of animals. From species of birds, including the Peacock can be seen at London zoo, other than that there were animals Bears, Dragons, Elephants, Tigers, Deer, Camels, Zebras, and Primates including Siamang.


My Unforgettable Experience

On my grade one holiday, I went to Bali with my family. I went to Bali at June 24, 2008. The airplane that I used  was Lion Air that flied at 8 a.m. We waited until 8 a.m. at Juanda Airport but it delayed until 9 a.m.

We arrived at Bali at 11 a.m. and we arrived at hotel at 11.30 a.m. because there was a traffic jam. My father and my mother immediately checked-in at the reception in Ramada Bintang Bali Hotel
and we got some welcome-drinks. My father ordered the suit room, we entered the room, we put all
the bag there and we went swimming at private beach. We swam there until 5 p.m. and we went back
to our room and we slept.

The next day, we played at the beach. I made a sandcastle and I swam. At 12 p.m., my father and I walked around the hotel. At 2 p.m., we played at our room. We went to see the sun sets in the beach so we waited at the beach.

The third day, we went to Waterbom swimming pool, we swam there but my mother can't swim. When we were swimming suddenly I got a headache so I went up the swimming pool and sat beside my mother. My father a hamburger and French fries to eat there, my father and my brother played the Waterboom together. And then, we went home and I slept all day.

The last day at Bali, we went to Joger and Hard Rock Cafe shop to buy some clothes, my brother and I bought two clothes and my mother and my father bought 1 cloth. After that, we went back to the hotel to refresh before we went back to Surabaya. We went to the airport at 3 p.m. but the airplane delayed until 5 p.m., we entered Surabaya at 7 p.m. and we immediately went to the doctor.

I was sick but I was very happy because I could gather with my family. I hope we can go to Bali again together. Bali was a very great island.


I've Got Plans, But Don't Know How It Will Turn Out..

I've always kind of been into music, played the viola for seven years, and not until recently, I started to mix pre-made music on my own to make songs using a music software I downloaded. To be honest, it all came down pretty fast. I've struggled with not knowing what to do with my life, and now I think I'm on some path I have finaly found. I love making techno/house/dance music, and I love orchestrating music, you know, putting things in the song where they belong, to make the actual song. Ok, let me say, I would love to be a recording artist,  a producer. It's something I think I'd really enjoy down the road, and I know already I love making pre-made sounded songs- so whats stopping me. I've decided to experiment with sampling , which has proven to be hard. Finding which part of the song to sample, what pitch or key to change it to, or what if that part of the song sounds cool but if its repeated over and over again it sounds like overkill- there are so many things your mind goes through to make it sound- just good. I'm struggling with it- but not in a way that I am getting somewhere. I am getting somewhere with this music thing- and hopefully someday in the next seven years - I'll be where I want to be. I don't know, I'm not going to think about success to much at this point, as much as I'm thinking about song I want to create next, how it will sound- what it will be like- how it will make the listener feel ( which I believe is the most important). Creating the right beats is what I want to do, along with the right bass, harmony, melody and everthing that fits in between - Daft Punk has drastically infuenced me and other artists such as Axwell, Eric Prydz, ect. but not as much as DP. I have them to Thank, becuase really, whithout two awesome robots that create some amped up house beats- where would I- or the world be?

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Subject-Verb Agreement

Nama      : Sheena Anghelina Adam
Kelas       : 4 EA 16
NPM       : 18210226

Subject-Verb Agreement

Singular Noun and Plural Noun

1.    Singular Noun (Kata Benda Tunggal)
          Singular Noun adalah kata benda yang menunjukan bahwa benda tersebut jumlahnya hanya satu, dan pada umumnya di dahului oleh article “a” atau “an”, khususnya untuk benda yang dapat dihitung dan yang belum diketahui secara pasti.
Contoh :
·         There is a car in garage
·         I want to buy an egg

Namun, bila bendanya sudah tertentu, ditambahkan article “the”.
Contoh :
·         There is the car in the garage
·         I want to buy the egg
          Bentuk singular noun harus menggunakan kata kerja tunggal, yaitu dengan penambahan s/es untuk kata kerja biasa dan to be “is” untuk kata kerja to be.

Contoh :
·         The dog under chair drink milk.
·         Billy goes to school

2.    Plural Noun (Kata Benda Jamak)
          Plural Noun adalah kata benda yang menunjukan bahwa jumlah benda tersebut lebih dari satu, yaitu dua atau lebih. Dan pada umumnya kata benda ini tidak di dahului oleh artikel “a” atau “an”.
Contoh :
·         There are two pencils in my bag
·         I want to buy three eggs
          Bentuk plural noun harus menggunakan kata kerja jamak, yaitu kata kerja tanpa penambahan s/es untuk kata kerja biasa atau to be “are” untuk kata kerja to be.
Contoh :
·         There are five cars in my house
·         I want to buy the umberellas
·         Jimmy and Linda come from Tokyo
·         The Knives are made of metal

Plural Noun dapat dibentuk dari singular noun dengan beberapa cara yaitu :
1)     Pada umumnya plural noun di bentuk dengan menambahkan pada singular noun.
Singular Noun           Plural Noun         Arti
Window                   Windows             Jendela
Door                        Doors                  Pintu
Cat                          Cats                     Kucing

2)    Dengan menambahkan –es jika singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf “o”.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun                   Arti
Potato                  Potatoes                    Kentang
Negro                   Negroes                    Orang Negro
Mango                  Mangoes                   Mangga               
Tetapi, ada juga singular noun yang berakhiran huruf “o” hanya ditambah –s saja, yaitu untuk singular noun yang berakhiran dengan huruf –o atau –oo, -oe, -io dan –yo.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun                   Arti
Piano                    Pianos                  Piano
Embryo                Embryos              Janin
Quarto                  Quartos                Kuarto

3)     Dengan menambahkan –es, jika singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –s, -ss, -sh, -ch atau –x.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun                   Arti
Watch                   Watches               Jam Tangan
Class                    Classes                 Kelas
Buzz                     Buzzes                  Dengung

4)    Dengan mengubah –y menjadi –i dan kemudian ditambah –es jika singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –y dan didahului oleh sebuah huruf mati.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun                   Arti
City                      Cities                    Kota
Copy                    Copies                  Salinan
Library                  Libraries               Perpustakaan

5)    Dengan menambahkan –s apabila singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –y dan didahului oleh sebuah huruf hidup.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun                    Arti
Key                      Keys                     Kunci
Day                      Days                     Hari
Toy                      Toys                     Mainan

6)    Dengan mengubah –f atau –fe menjadi ves apabila singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –f atau –ef.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun              Arti
Knife                    Knives                   Pisau
Calf                      Calves                   Anak Sapi
Leaf                      Leaves                  Daun
Catatan :
Tetapi, ada beberapa kata singular noun yang berakhiran dengan huruf –f atau –fe hanya ditambah –s saja untuk membentuk plural noun,yaitu :
Singular Noun      PluralNoun                Arti
Staff                     Staffs                    Anggota Staf
Strife                    Strifes                   Perselisihan
Roff                     Roffs                    Atap

7)    Dengan menambahkan –s pada kata dasarnya, jika kata bendanya adalah Compound  Noun (kata benda majemuk).
Singular Noun          Plural Noun                   Arti
Step-son                Step-sons                Anak tiri laki-laki
Woman-servant      Womenn-servant      Pembantu Perempuan
Man-teacher           Man-teachers           Guru Laki-laki

8)    Irregular Plural (Kata Benda Jamak Yang Tidak Beraturan) tidak mendapat tambahan huruf –s atau –es seperti pada umunya, tetapi mengambil bentuk lain yaitu :
Singular Noun      Plural Noun                   Arti
Goose                  Geese                      Angsa
Child                    Children                   Anak Kecil
Cow                     Kine                        Sapi
9)    Beberapa kata benda yang mempunyai bentuk plural noun sama dengan bentuk singular noun yaitu :
Singular Noun        Plural Noun                   Arti
Sheep                   Sheep                          Biri-biri
Hundred               Hundred                      Seratus
Pice                      Pice                            Mata Uang India

10)  Beberapa kata benda yang selalu berbentuk plural noun, tidak mempunyai bentuk singular noun.
Plural Noun                      Arti
Shoes                             Sepatu
Mathematics                   Ilmu pasti
Physics                          Ilmu alam

Penulis : Mr. George Wilkinson & Drs. Dony Hariyanto
Penerbit : Pustaka Indonesia
Tahun : 2004, cetakan I